
I have been deeply inspired by various public figures in my life. I also take a strong interest in the themes of morality and human suffering. I spend a lot of my time watching interviews and speeches online and, when I have the focus, I like to read. Here is a selection of media that has inspired me over the years:


Interviews & Speeches

Charlie Chaplin – Final Speech from The Great Dictator
Youtube Video (3:36)

Arunachalam Muruganantham: How I started a sanitary napkin revolution!
Youtube Video (9:21)

Marlon Brando’s Speech for The Godfather Oscar Win
Youtube Video (2:21)

7 Signs of Fascism, Says Trinamool’s Mahua Moitra in Maiden Speech
Youtube Video (5:43)

Martin Luther King – I Have A Dream
Youtube Video (6:46)

Jay-Z Interview with The New York Times
Youtube Video (35:09)



Les Miserables, Victor Hugo

Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl